Rabu, 03 Januari 2018

Dissatisfying Events #MyOpinion

The work of Hari Nugraha
Student Prodi Teknik Informatika UTY 5160411129 Class B / K

Many people looking for entertainment to fill their spare time. One of them watching television. I myself was very often watch television, especially before going to college, almost every day I watch it. Besides being able to fill leisure time watching television can broaden a person.
There are so many television shows in Indonesia. Various genres can be found here. But as time went on I began to discover the point of bored with television shows in Indonesia. Many events are not shown on television quality. Even when presented on the television show 90 percent of Indonesia it was rubbish. Here are some television shows that it was inferior, of course this is subjective.
1. Events News
Most of the news that is displayed when this is rubbish. News of corruption, bribery, politicians who constantly war opinion and just swirling with which he delivered. Then comments were called for public comment this government, that is, who kept not find results. Very rarely news to show the good things about Indonesia. Whereas if at a deeper knowledge it is true that the reporters in Indonesia just looking for any vices. Because they think if the show is a bad thing it would be more interesting.
2. Comedy Shows
Actually this is my favorite show. Moreover, when the show is Sule, I will definitely be entertained once. But the people who appear on stage too much and vied with each other to seek the attention of the audience. Jadiya looks quite messy. Moreover, if the joke is so material shortage problems of physical persons. Surely it violates human rights as well.
3. Soap operas and Per Film-an
Well here it is the most severe. Many Indonesian people love soap operas. Though friends know that soap opera is trash all genres of cinema. Many soap operas featuring stories less interesting and kept circling. The quality of editing and adding effects on Indonesian Film was very ugly. Maybe it's because I see much beyond films whose quality level of a god. But this is a fact. Too many soap operas featuring the theme of romance children of elementary and junior high they actually still very minor. The result is a lot of junior high school kids who are already troubled status plug-galauan so. Surely it is not good for a young generation of Indonesia will continue this beloved nation.
Then in terms of makeup, lots of memorable natural. School children to wear mini skirts, bermake-up as if they are the models walk the catwalk and not a real school yard.
Again this is subjective opinion. As students we should be able to filter them and just take the positive side only. Although most of my communicating the downside, but I believe the television show in Indonesia will continue to improve and provide more useful information for all of us. We must all believe it.

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